John Muir quote

To protect our children's privacy, we will not be posting any pictures of their faces or sharing their names within this blog. Please refrain from using their names when posting any comments to this blog. Thank you!

~Protective Mama

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

~John Muir

Welcome to The Wary Farmwife seasonal journey! My goal, to blog daily (give or take a day, week or month) to showcase hobby farm life across the seasons. Stop by The Wary Farmwife blog and check out what we're up to...our front porch door is always open!

Saturday, January 30, 2016


With a weekend full of little people birthday parties, sports, laundry, dishes, school events, singing in church, family visits, emptying garbage bins (full of used Kleenex from my previous plague days) and cleaning toilets, all while keeping the children healthy, happy, clean, busy, fed and from fighting each other...I often wonder when is there time to just enjoy living on the farm. 

Because besides the above, the stove top, microwave and fridge could all use a deep clean, or at least a wipe down...and the entryway is wet, muddy and full of hay specks for the farm. And do the boys nails need to be trimmed?

Are we insane to try and maintain a farm, albeit a little one, while we both work and parent full time?

Yes...and no.

J and I often "divide and conquer". He stays home with the boys while I attend a school meeting. I take the boys to a party and then hit the grocery store while he mucks out the barn and does all the other farm chores.  

Divide and conquer...that just sounds wrong and unhealthy! We are wannabe farmers, not military commanders.

Yesterday, I tried to talk JJ into going to a basketball competition in town. It sounded fun...and was free! Double win! JJ didn't want to go...even after I told him how fun it will be and how his friends would be there. He said he didn't want to go again...and I said OK. This "OK" did not just happen overnight but after years of parenting my oldest (and now, finally, coming to the realization that, after a busy week, sometimes he just wants to stay home.)

As a busy bee/social butterfly, I love events, parties, gatherings. You name it, I'll go (unless it involves being cold...I don't do cold!) And JJ does too, but just not all the time. Funny the things our children teach us...that is OK to slow down, it's OK to say "no" and it's OK to not do every opportunity that comes your way.

Later in the day, I looked out our kitchen window and saw JJ, fully decked in snow gear, quietly sitting on the tree swing, surrounded by barren corn fields and snow. No noise but the wind, no one around but the sheep and goats in the distant pasture.

JJ knew he needed a bit of peace and time outside, instead of noise, runny around, lots of people, competition and fluorescent lights.

I'm by no means a perfect parent, but I'm am trying to listen more carefully (and kindly) to what my family members tell me (or show me) they need.

Almost four years ago, I found the below quote by John Muir. I put it on this blog as I wanted it to be a quide for us, while we try and live a slower life. Maybe we have gotten a bit off track, or maybe this is a more "busy" season of our life. Regardless, it's never a bad idea to check your family's pulse to see how healthy you are and what you may need!

"Everybody needs beauty...places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike."

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