John Muir quote

To protect our children's privacy, we will not be posting any pictures of their faces or sharing their names within this blog. Please refrain from using their names when posting any comments to this blog. Thank you!

~Protective Mama

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

~John Muir

Welcome to The Wary Farmwife seasonal journey! My goal, to blog daily (give or take a day, week or month) to showcase hobby farm life across the seasons. Stop by The Wary Farmwife blog and check out what we're up to...our front porch door is always open!

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Picture Tells A Thousand Words... (but a small caption helps too)

Here are some photos that illustrate a bit of our life here on the farm.  We are still trying to figure out what to call our home, beyond "the farm" but nothing has come to us yet.  Stay tuned...

 Thank you Bob and Meredith for this beautiful housewarming gift.  It fits in perfectly near our front porch. JJ decorated the moon with some dandelions in hopes that the butterflies would stop and stay for awhile... we are still waiting...

Farmer J, JJ and Pick-Pick gave me this bird feeder as a home welcoming gift.  I'm slowing becoming "a bird lady."  You can see this feeder from our kitchen window.  It's very entertaining.  We just need to buy a bird book.  

Here a pair of Indigo Buntings.  We see a lot of these on the property.  Just saw another today by a different bird feeder.  We also see lots of Blue Jays, Robins, Cardinals, Nuthatches, Red-breasted Grosbeak... and a lot more than I cannot identify any further than, "that pretty bird with the orange on it."  

Can you see it?  Hint: It starts with "chip" and ends with "munk."

My best rummage sale find this summer! Now I just need to find a few more...

Shit kickers for all!  If you come, bring a pair with... it's pretty hard to get in the chicken coop without a pair of these on.

This is a "fort" that JJ and Pick-Pick built.  They decorated it with flowers, weeds and various other "nature-y" items.  Good thing I never saw the Blair Witch Project or seeing this at night might freak me out!

Question: What do you do with a paddock and no animals?
Answer: Soccer field

The perfect tree for climbing...until JJ got stuck in the tree and almost fell out.  We are still working on getting a little more "country" in our kids.

Farmer J is putting our daily compost sludge into the bin.  Thank you Nate and Colleen for the rotating compost bin! It's working great.

And here's where the compost ends up... Farmer J's garden.  Notice the tall fence to keep out Bambi; hopefully it will work.  He has planed LOTS of garlic, potatoes, horseradish, herbs, tomatoes, beets, kale, squash, pumpkins, corn, beans, peas, strawberries, blueberries, radishes, watermelon, broccoli, and rhubard. J just told me, "We need a bigger garden."  I have a feeling we may need to hold a "canning" party this fall.

One of my favorite flowers: Lily of the Valley.  I've been putting a vase of lilies near my kitchen sink for a week or so.  The fragrance is lovely and quite strong... which is nice as we have no garbage disposal. 

One of my favorite views...

And a close-up.  Maybe we could be "Starry Moon Farm"?

This view makes getting the mail from the mailbox a pretty spectacular event.

The chicken coop.  Shutters open to let in the spring breeze.

"Hello babies".  This is what we all say when we approach the coop.  We are trying to get them used to us but anytime we say it, they run into the coop from outside. 

Here are some of the chickens enjoying their new digs that Farmer J made for them!  Fresh air and sun is great for growing chickens.

And a little close up.

And another view.  The exterior is complete but some more work is needed on the interior.  

This is a name-less Rhode Island Red (i.e., meat bird).  Don't be sad.  He is a very happy bird- much happier than if he was living in some chicken factory.  

Work is done...and so is this blog entry.  Good night and Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful women in our lives.  

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