John Muir quote

To protect our children's privacy, we will not be posting any pictures of their faces or sharing their names within this blog. Please refrain from using their names when posting any comments to this blog. Thank you!

~Protective Mama

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

~John Muir

Welcome to The Wary Farmwife seasonal journey! My goal, to blog daily (give or take a day, week or month) to showcase hobby farm life across the seasons. Stop by The Wary Farmwife blog and check out what we're up to...our front porch door is always open!

Monday, May 20, 2013


 Lilac in bloom!

 Apple Tree in bloom!

Smells like heaven!

The apple tree (when looking from the barn).

Ciaran in the barn...playing in the straw.  

 All my kid boys wanted to try out the new crate! 

"Mama is home" 

 Padraig is tolerating some love! 

 Curious Ciaran!

Ahhh, the life of a goat! 

 Morels growing.

 A friend helping J flag morels.  J flags them so he knows where the morels are, in order to pick them at their prime size!

Almost ready for picking!

Six pullets free at last! Here they are in our front yard!
I love this picture that farmer J took of the barn. 

J and the boys found this robin's nest.  I wish our chickens laid eggs that blue.  This nest is in the crab apple tree.  Whenever I see nests I think of Pickle.  But that's a story for later...

My ninos are rejecting bedtime so I must go do some "mothering".  I'll leave you with the Mother's Day flowers I got from farmer J.  Thank you baby!  And thanks for taking all these amazing photos.  This blog wouldn't work without you! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I LOVE the farm in spring!

Spring has sprung and it's signs are all around...including the spring wreath on the front door!

No more snow on the "Welcome" mat; now we have completely welcomed in Spring!

Some tiny blue flowers are starting to grow...

Our daffodils were beautiful... but most are now gone! However, the lilac bush, apple tree and crabapple trees are in full bloom.  The apple tree's blossoms are completely intoxicating with their sweet smell.  We all decided that heaven smells like apple tree blossoms!  

The baby chicks...who are now closer to a pullet than a chick...were moved from the house to the chicken coop.  We kept them in this box and put them in the front of the coop- away from the rest of the hens until they got a little bigger.  

 They got to go on little "fieldtrips" on the farm.  Their favorite spot was in this basement window.  They would stay here for hours until we put them back in their new "coop" (see below). 

The pullets are now out of the box (as they were big enough to fly out!)  They have been fully integrated into the coop and we haven't noticed any issues.  The pullets now have free range of the farm but they tend to all stick together and, typically, stay close by the coop!  

Despite the chicks now in the coop, the hen's egg production hasn't been impacted in the least!  We have eggs coming out of our ears.  Luckily, we have lots of friends and family; it's rare for someone to leave the farm without a dozen of eggs! And the boys have really taken to sunny side up eggs (which is great!) 

Padraig (Brown) and Ciaran (Black) are doing great!  Their home in the barn is working well.  Until a few days ago, we were putting them in the chicken coop (the spot where the baby chicks box was located). We felt they were safer there... especially on the nights when the coyote calls woke us from our slumber!  
Now, they are safe; kept in a large animal crate during nighty-night time!  If any predator did get in the barn, Ciaran and Padraig would be protected! 

The boys (goat boys), not too unlike my human boys, always want to be together.  They cry when they are separated and just seem to love each other a ton!  It is quite an endearing sight to see!  

Ciaran continues to love attention and Mr. Padraig is coming along! They both love to be brushed, scratched on the head and back and held in our arms.  O.K., maybe Ciaran more than Padraig but we are working on him!  Soon he will come around.  

Here is an older picture of part of the bee box.  Farmer J coated the wood in beeswax (instead of varnish) to protect the wood and keep our honey clean from nasty chemicals.  The bees have arrived and seem to be doing quite well.  J got a call from the post office that our bees had arrived and he was there before 7 a.m. last Saturday morning.  Their first night on the farm was a cold one but they have been successful with making honeycomb and I'm sure they are loving all the spring flowers, pollen flying around and the warmer weather this week has given them.

 Here are some of the time lapse photographs that Farmer J took of a scheduled brush/prairie burn on the farm (behind the pasture).  The appropriate measures were taken for safety!  J, Mr. Jim, myself and firefighters Pickle and JJ were all present.  It was quite a sight to see! 

Thumbs up from Farmer J!  

Some other (probably not so interesting) updates:

-J is back to mowing the lawn
-We have transplanted some raspberry plants from my Aunt Donna's garden.  THANK YOU to my Aunt Donna and my parents!  
-We have found out that Padraig likes to chase the chickens!! Very funny to watch!
-We are in the midst of Morel hunting! 
-The turkeys seem to have moved on... we haven't seen them for awhile
-We hear coyote howls at least once a month
-The frogs are deafening loud at nighttime!  Our new springtime lullabye!
-I'm fighting off ants in the kitchen.  Thanks for the Windex tip, Karina! I'm now obsessive! 
-Many things have been planted in the garden; the strawberry plants are looking great.  Pickle is already eating arugula fresh from the garden (dirt and all).  

Best be keep things real.  I have laundry to do....

Monday, May 6, 2013

Ciaran and Padraig are home!

Here is Farmer Tracy (the goat breeder).  She is saying 'Goodbye' to Padraig.  She said the brown/black goats are the "spunky" ones!  We are seeing that as well! 

Here is me and Ciaran in the back of the "Goat Mobile" (a.k.a. our mini-van).  He is mid- "maaaaaaaaa"

Our "Goat Mobile" carried one Farmer J, me, JJ, Pickle, Ciaran, Padraig, two bales of straw and one bale of hay!  I wanted J to stop at a garage sale (that we saw on the way to the goat farm) on the way home...but realized a few minutes into the journey that pulling up to the garage sale (in a very fancy neighborhood) in our "Goat Mobile" might not be a good idea.   Right after J took this photo-- Padraig tried to jump out of the van.  J, with his quick ninja reflexes, caught Padraig in one hand- while holding our pricey camera in the other! We were all impressed! 

 The baby goats new home (in the lower part of the barn.)  The barn hasn't had animals in it for quite awhile. The straw (from their home farm) made for a cozy and comforting "home away from home." 

Farmer J is just finishing up some handy work on the fence.  Chicken wire had to be put around the entire perimeter of the pasture as the goats would easily fit underneath the wooden fence. 

I'm giving Ciaran some more love.  The goats are quite friendly.  They do not bite or kick.  They seem to like being held.  At first, they ran away from us.  But now they stay close by.  

Here Farmer J has Padraig in a love 'head lock'. This little guy is a wild one... but he is coming around.  

Here are the boys trying to catch Padraig.  Good luck boys! 

Today, I taught the boys that the goats will not run away, unless you chase them!  

Awwwwww!  Cute, little lads.  We gave them Irish names to remind us of our memorable time in Ireland and because they were born in March. "Padraig" was a character's name from Ballykissangel (my all-time favorite BBC/Irish drama).  In our first apartment together, J and I would watch the show on Sunday nights! "Padraig" is another version of "Patrick".  "Ciaran" means "the little dark one".  Smokey didn't stick as J and I kept calling the black goat "Ciaran."  Now the boys call him "Ciaran" more than "Smokey".  

Don't forget to shut the gate when you leave!  Thanks to Mr. Jim for all the nice fence work!

On Sunday, we had Brad and Karina (my #1 blog fan) over for dinner! They brought us white tulips, as Karina lovingly recalled our recent anniversary (the bridesmaids carried white tulips), held together in a mason jar (perfect for a farmhouse) with that extra little touch of a green ribbon (as Karina knows how I love everything green --as the color reminds me of Ireland!)  Very sweet!  

Pickle took this picture of me and my flowers!  Thanks Brad and Karina! We will call when it is time to go Morel hunting!